2021 continues to be a very busy period for the Player XP team and whilst we’re still working away from the office, we’re delighted to share with you the release of a number of new features and changes within the dashboard.

2021 – New Categories

As outlined in our Look Ahead article, we’ve been undertaking a full review of the Player XP categories available within each of your games. As part of this process, we’ve engaged with a number of you to capture feedback on what specific themes you’d like to see quickly highlighted.

One of the key pieces of feedback we heard back was that some of the categories can quickly get in the way, they may be great for an initial review but on an ongoing basis, they aren’t too valuable. We hope to have worked around this with our new categories by introducing a few new highly relevant categories for long term community management whilst also keeping some broader categories that share player feedback on your game itself.

Furthermore, we’ve also broken down our Bugs & Issues category into two smaller, more focused categories that will hopefully provide even greater context to the issues your players are facing.

We’ll be working with each of you to roll out your new categories in the coming weeks, once in place you’ll see the following available for further analysis:

  • Account Issues
  • Audio
  • Characters
  • Community
  • Controls
  • Developer
  • Events
  • Feature Requests
  • Game Performance
  • Game Stability
  • Gameplay
  • Graphics
  • Marketing
  • Monetisation
  • Online Systems
  • Progression
  • Release
  • Story
  • UI
  • Updates

Shared Communities

As well as the rollout of the new categories, we’ve also introduced a new feature into our Game Comparison section. With the new Shared Communities feature, you can now see the overlap of your community with your other games or their competitors. This is great for identifying how big of an overlap you have with other games and how emerging titles are starting to capture the market.

As with other new features, the Shared Communities feature displays your competitors by default but can have other games from your account added to it.

Tracking Topics Over Time – At a Glance

One of our favourite small new features for a while has been introduced in the form of displaying Topic activity over time when reviewing the Topic table anywhere in the dashboard. This is super useful for identifying growing trends inside your community and understanding whether something is a consistent, new or old area of interest for your community!

This feature, alongside a number of other small changes released as part of our latest update, continue to make the dashboard experience quicker and easier to use. We hope you like the changes and will be looking to speak with you about the rollout of new categories for your titles in the coming weeks!

If you would like to see a wider look at what we’re planning to add in the future, you can check out our Public Roadmap. If there is something missing that you think would make a valuable addition, please do share it with us via Slack or email.